Pictures of fossils

These are photos of fossils from my collection, or from friends' collections. Click on the thumbnails to view the photograph. Most of them were found in East Yorkshire, UK.

Other groups of Fossils:

Anathyris from the Middle Devonian

Leptaena from the Devonian

Rhynchonellids from the Cave oolite

Terebratulids - Bajocian age

Terebratulids from the Red Chalk - Albian Age


Section through a palaeozoic coral from the Welsh Borders

corals in Carboniferous Limestone found as erratics at Dimlington, Hornsea and Speeton.

?Dibunophyllum from the Carboniferous Limestone found in Holderness

Bajocian age from North Newbald


Fenestella from the Lower Devonian

Haploecia from the Millepore Bed, Middle Jurassic; Cayton Bay.


Trybliocrinus flateanus Emsian age, early Devonian

crinoids in Carboniferous Limestone

crinoid arms - Lower Lias, from Dorset

Pentacrinus (Jurassic) erratic from Holderness

Saccocoma tenella, a Jurassic stemless crinoid from Eichstatt, Bavaria


Speeton "Shrimps" - Meyeria ornata

Meyeria magna from the Atherfield Clay of the Isle of Wight.

from Norway

Tetragraptus from Australia

from Australia

Serpulid "worms"

in the Cave Oolite - Middle Jurassic from North Newbald

serpulids encrusting an Upper Jurassic Bivalve

- Rotularia phillipsii from the Speeton Clay


Bettonlithus from Builth Wells, Wales

Ogyginus corndensis corndensis from Builth Wells, Wales

from Morroco

Olenus and Agnostus from Sweden

giant flying Trilopod seen in Bristol.

Wood and Plants

Sigillaria trunk, Carboniferous age, at Stanhope

seen in garden wall in Bristol

Ferns from the Coal Measures (Carboniferous) of Writhlington colliery tip, Somerset.

Horsetail roots from Port Mulgrave.

Ginkgo leaves from the Middle Jurassic of the Yorkshire Coast

fossil wood from the Carstone of South Ferriby

found as an erattic on the Yorkshire Coast

Large Formainifera

from the Paris Basin

from Whitecliffe Bay, Isle of Wight

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